Frequently Asked Questions
Whom do I call if something is not working properly in my apartment?
Contact the main office during regular business hours at 402.225.3611. Tell them your problem and the office staff will assign maintenance staff a work order for the repair.
Whom do I call if I get locked our or have a repair needed after hours?
If locked out during business hours, please contact the management office at 402.225.3611. If locked out during after hours, please contact our maintenance hotline at 402.621.0104. We encourage residents to have a primary plan in place in case of lockouts. Frequent after hours lockouts requiring NHA assistance can result in lockout fee charges.
When is rent due?
Rent is due the 1st of the month. Rent will be considered late if it is not received by the 5th of the month.
What do I do if I want to add a member to my lease?
Notify the office staff at 402.225.3611 and they will help your thru the process.
Can I use the Community Room?
You may reserve it for a private event with the prior approval of the Executive Director. The maximum time for an event is 4hrs. with an additional hour to set up and one for clean-up. Typically, two to four weeks' notice is needed. Contact the office at 402.225.3611. A calendar with scheduled events is posted on the bulletin board in the common's area by the main office. You can also check the calendar to see if your date needed is available.